Friday, September 22, 2017

Composition #4


Symmetry is composed when 2 or more objects are replicated and look the same.


When 2 or more objects are opposites and or not the same.


Balance is when 2 or more objects are relative to size or weight, but one object is smaller or a different color.


  1. These are really nice! My only critique is that the last photo for symmetry isn't quite symmetrical, as there is one reflection of light on the right side that isn't on the left.

  2. I really like your balanced photos because you showed balance in difference ways. The only suggestion I have is for your 5th symmetrical photo, as the way the lights are organized does not make the photo symmetrical.

  3. I really like the balance photos, they all seem unique and different types of subjects


Best of Spring

In this Best of Spring Series I chose these photos because I liked the colors that blended with the blurred frame.  ...